Another Phoenix Pop Up Truck camper for a Chevy Avalanche

This camper went out a couple of weeks ago to this great family of four. Here is what they had to say: “Hello Cari – So far we have had 2 nights in the camper and everything has worked great. I bet Rob didn’t know he was designing a slide for 2 little boys on […]

Article on Truck Camper Suspension Upgrade Questions

Everyday we are asked if trucks need air bags, springs or Timbren suspension kits, when adding the weight of a camper to their truck. There is no clear cut answer. This article can help with answering some of those questions.

Tragedy 2012 in Aurora Colorado

Our hearts go out to all involved in the senseless tragedy that happened today in Aurora, Colorado. We want to mention the response by all of the first responders and the six hospitals and all the medical staff who jumped into action to get all patients the help needed.

New Phoenix Pop up Truck camper catching another blogger’s eye

Our Custom Bamboo camper that went out recently caught the eye of a well-known RV traveler and blogger who always has great stories and adventures. Here is a link to the blog about the Phoenix and from there you can catch up on other wonderful stories: Thanks for a great little piece! Happy Camping […]

Badlands Conquered in a Custom Phoenix PULSE SC

Cari, Rob, We want you to know we had a blast on our trip back home after picking up the camper and overall are VERY happy with it. We could go anywhere and spent a night in the middle of Buffalo National Grassland outside of the Badlands.

Colorado Fires

Colorado is battling 9 fires as of today Sunday June 24 2012. We want to send out our thanks and prayers to those who are out there fighting these fires, doing their best to keep others property safe!