
Best Campfire Practices for Building a Safe & Responsible Fire

Nothing makes camping lively and more fulfilling than sitting around a campfire. For one, it keeps you warm. Plus, it can keep some wild animals away. It’s also just pleasing to sit peacefully and watch the fire burning. But, on the flip-side, a campfire can be very dangerous if not well managed. That’s why you need to learn the best campfire practices for your safety and that of the environment.

Building a Good Campfire

Never forget your safety equipment.

Campfires are crucial to a memorable camping experience. However, as it is known, fire is a good servant but, at the same time, can be very destructive, explaining why you need to learn the best campfire practices before setting out to the camp. As you enjoy your campfire, it’ll be upon you to preserve and protect nature.

Tips to Build a Safe and Responsible Campfire

If the camp where you are has a fire ring already built, use it. Otherwise, you’ll have to build one. Building a safe and responsible campfire starts by selecting a good site. Do not build the fire pit in an area exposed to strong winds or a heavily wooded area. Once you’ve selected a good site, clear away all the debris and loose vegetation that can catch fire. Next, dig a shallow pit and surround it with rocks to protect the fire and prevent flames from reaching outside. After you are done camping, make sure you put out the fire completely before leaving the camp. Do not add too many logs into the fire because this may lead to too much smoke and an unnecessarily big fire.

 If you want to learn more about camping, the best campfire practices, and how to build your camper, visit the Phoenix Pop-up website, particularly the FAQ page.